Monday, April 30, 2012

Kasturi Mango

Kasturi Mango

Biggest Plant Dictionary | Mangga Kasturi |  Mangifera specific casturi South Kalimantan. Mango kasturi was already established as one of the plants are "extinct in situ" (Extinct in the Wild). This means that Kasturi, a species of mango are a floral identity of South Kalimantan province has been extinct from their natural habitat. Kasturi which in scientific language (Latin) is called Mangifera casturi, is one of about 31 species of mango can be found in Kalimantan, Indonesia. In fact, the mango is in English but called kasturi also called Kalimantan Mango is a plant endemic to Borneo. Unfortunately, IUCN redlist refers to him as Extinct in the Wild or extinct from their natural habitat.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Selaginella Plana

Selaginella plana
Biggest Plant Dictionary | Selaginella plana | Spikemoss is a primitive plant and although it produces spores it is not a true fern.  It is considered one of the fern allies in a genus that consists of 700 species.  Spikemoss loves the same growing conditions as ferns, so give it ample moisture, high humidity and shade.  They have scale-like leaves and most species are creeping plants that form dense carpets of soft mounds that love to sprawl between the rocks of waterfalls.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Ipomoea fistulosa

Ipomoea fistulosa

Biggest Plant Dictionary | Ipomoea fistulosa | Ipomoea carnea, is an alternative meal for most people of the world. and it also has many nutrients. the Pink Morning Glory, is a species of morning glory. This Flowering plant has heart-shaped leaves are a rich That green and 6-9 inches long. It can be easily grown from seeds the which are toxic and it can be hazardous to cattle.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Nymphaea nouchali

Nymphaea nouchali

Biggest Plant Dictionary | Nymphaea nouchali |  Nymphaea nouchali is a day blooming nonviviparous plant with submerged roots and stems. Part of the leaves are submerged, while others rise slightly above the surface. The leaves are round and green on top; they usually have a darker underside. The floating leaves have undulating edges that give them a crenellate appearance. Their size is about 20–23 cm and their spread is 0.9 to 1.8 m

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Clerodendrum thomsonae

Clerodendrum thomsonae

Biggest Plant Dictionary | Clerodendrum thomsonae | Nona Makan Sirih | Herbs, sometimes subshrubs or shrubs , annual or perennial , usually aromatic . Stems and branches usually 4-angled. Leaves opposite, rarely whorled or alternate, simple to pinnately dissected or compound , without stipules. Inflorescences generally compound, sometimes flowers solitary and axillary ; verticillasters 2- to many flowered, subtended by leaves or bracts. Flowers bisexual , zygomorphic, rarely subactinomorphic, bracteolate or not.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Hibiscus mutabilis

Hibiscus mutabilis
Biggest Plant Dictionary | Hibiscus mutabilis | Beautiful flowers. but also this plant is not only in the said interest. but this might be of interest. Confederate roses growing niche to be shrubby or treelike in Zones 9 and 10, though it behaves more like a perennial Further north. Flowers can be double or single and are 4 to 6 inches in diameter; They open white or pink, and change to deep red by evening. The 'Rubra' variety has red flowers. Generally single blooming flowers are cup-shaped. Bloom season usually Lasts from summer through fall.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Parkia speciosa

Parkia speciosa

Biggest Plant Dictionary | Parkia speciosa | Can be said of fruit can also say the plant. petai really enjoyed for the eastern Asia including Indonesia sebagao famous eating salad. Parkia speciosa is a tree up to 15-40 m in height and 50-100 cm in diameter. Branchlets are hairy. Leaves bipinnate on 2-6 cm long stalks with gland 7-15 mm above base stalk. Pinnae 10-19 pairs, 5-9 cm long, each with 31-38 pairs of leaflets Opposite linear, 5-9 mm long and about 2 mm wide, with rounded tip and small pointed or ear lobe at the base. Flowers small and creamy white, found in densely crowded heads. Pods large, 35-55 cm long and 3-5 cm wide, straight or more commonly twisted; dangling in small bundles, green Becoming black. Each pod contains 10-18 large seeds. Valves swollen over seeds. Testa soft. Robert Brown described the genus Parkia in 1826. He named it after Mungo Park, a Scot WHO made ​​two remarkable Journeys of exploration into the interior of West Africa in 1795-97 and 1805. The specific name, 'speciosa' is Latin for beautiful, showy.