Friday, September 9, 2011

Platystele sp

Platystele sp
Biggest Plant Dictionary | Platystele sp | In late 2009 the then world peranggrekan enlivened the world with international news about the discovery of the smallest sized orchids in the world.
Lou Jost, American researchers have found a miniature orchids in Ecuador which was then claimed by the international media as the world's smallest orchid. Platystele the orchid of the genus, has a transverse size of 2 to 2.1 mm. However, if the size of 2 mm is claimed as the size of the smallest orchid in the world, Indonesia has actually orchids with a smaller size of the genus Oberonia lagi.Anggrek sp supermini has a transverse size of 1.1 to 1.5 mm are obtained directly from an exploration in Mentawai island. Orchid sp Oberonia has bright orange flowers and inflorescence arranged in a series of hundreds of flowers arranged in a regular pattern of the genus Oberonia spiral.Anggrek generally does have flowers with miniature size, for the same reason orchids of this genus have less commercial value among orchid enthusiasts. Nevertheless, from the standpoint of botanical orchid has a value of knowledge is priceless.
Platystele sp

Platystele sp

Platystele sp

Platystele sp

The smallest orchid in the world with only 2.1 mm wide, petals transparent and one cell thick. This type of Platystele orchid genus, most of which are created as a miniature plant.

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